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GENE LOVES JEZEBEL von Michael Aston wiederbelebt

Exploding Girl, das neue Album von Gene Loves Jezebel, versammelt 13 hochemotionale Songs, deren bittersüße Melodien mit ihren scharf akzentuierten Rhythmen und Gitarrenlinien Erinnerungen an die frühen 80er Jahre wachrufen. An eine Zeit also, in der Gene Loves Jezebel neben Künstlern wie Bauhaus, Virgin Prunes oder Southern Death Cult zu den Pionieren des Gothic-Rocks gehörten.

"Exploding Girl is a metaphor for women in my life and the album. Though the individual portrayed in Exploding Girl is a suicide bomber, the lyric explores the motivation behind her final act, the fact she was a women and the conditions that led to that desperate act... The concluding words; ’She may be wrong She may be right, who can really ever tell?’ illustrates that no judgement is being made and to the contrary, a very serious question is posed: Why?" (Michael Aston)

[Track Records]

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